Nils van der Vliet is the first student to graduate (cum laude) within the RECONECT project, guided by the University of Delft and Tauw on the RECONECT pilot Demonstrator B case ‘Room for the river: de Ijssel’. His project ‘River-width determination by the use of optical remote sensing missions’ gives answers to one of the biggest challenges for demonstrators on cost effective monitoring of their sites.
Floris Boogaard (Tauw): ‘Remote sensing can give us long term detailed data and answers for the design, implementation and maintenance of Nature Based Solutions in water systems without installing costly sensors on the ground. However, more (applied) research is needed to transfer this knowledge to applicable NBS implementations strategies for the different demo-cases within the RECONECT project and other watermangement systems around the world’.
Nils is one of the students at different level (bachelor, master, PhD) that are working within RECONECT.