New Paper on Nature-Based Solutions Perception

//New Paper on Nature-Based Solutions Perception

The RECONECT Research Team has published a new article on people’s perception of the effectiveness of Nature-Based Solutions in reducing hydro-meteorological risks.

The paper, published for the journal “Water”, conducts a literature review on 102 studies. Some of them show, for instance, that people who are directly threatened by hydro-meteorological hazards have a lower level of trust in NBS. On the other hand,  trust in NBS increases over time when residents can actively experience the effectiveness of the solutions in their area.

However, knowledge on the topic is really various and also not comparable, since small-scale hybrid NBS are different, for example, from large-scale river restoration projects.

Therefore, the article proposes to adopt a more conscious sampling strategy in future research, classifying NBS along a gradient of the level and intensity of engireering applied.

[Sungju Han, Christian Kuhlicke, “Reducing Hydro-Meteorological Risk by Nature-Based Solutions: What Do We Know about People’s Perceptions?”, Water 2019, 11(12),]

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