New publication under RECONECT on green-blue-grey measures selection

//New publication under RECONECT on green-blue-grey measures selection

The RECONECT research team at IHE-Delft has published an article for the journal Science of the Total Environment: the paper “Exploring trade-offs among the multiple benefits of green-blue-grey infrastructure for urban flood mitigation” presents a framework for the selection and comparison of green-blue-grey measures in urban areas.

Green-blue infrastructures can provide multiple benefits besides flood mitigation: the paper analyses the trade-offs when different benefits are pursued in stormwater infrastructure planning. Several combinations of blue-grey measures are evaluated, using a hydrodynamic model and an evolutionary optimisation algorithm. The results show that, considering the co-benefits as a target, a green-blue infrastructure is preferable. On the other hand, flood mitigation effectiveness could be reduced if extra benefits are pursued. Finally, the article shows that hybrid solutions are the best choice for multiple benefits in areas with space restrictions.

[A. Alves, Z. Vojinovic, Z. Kapelan, A. Sanchez, B. Gersonius, Exploring trade-offs among the multiple benefits of green-blue-grey infrastructure for urban flood mitigation, Science of the Total Environment (2019), doi:]

Pre-proof version can be downloaded here.

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