Welcome to the RECONECT Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Nature-Based Solutions for water management and climate adaption
MOOC Overview
The RECONECT project is pleased to invite you to participate in a free MOOC. The six modules cover all aspect of NbS to provide participants with critical knowledge and skills to identify adequate NbS and estimate their effectiveness to cope with potential hydrometeorological hazards.
The course is free, with a certificate available after the course completion.
Practitioners, researchers, postgraduate students and policy makers.
Sign up now and take the first step towards mastering Nature-Based Solutions!
Access the RECONECT MOOC now
Are you a practitioner in environmental management, a postgraduate student eager to expand your knowledge, or a policy maker looking to make a meaningful impact?
Dive into a unique learning experience designed specifically for you and be part of the solution for a sustainable future.
If you have some doubts or experience any problem please check our guide on how to enrol to the MOOC (see below) or contact us.
MOOC Modules
Module 1 – Introduction to NBS for hydro-meteorological risk reduction
- Introduce basic concept of NBS and explain the differences between traditional grey infrastructures.
- Advantages and benefits of NBS vs grey infrastructure.
Module 2 – Planning and Assessment of NBS
- Introduce the commonly used indicators for assessing the potential for NBS.
- Understand how to use the above models for planning and selection of NBS.
Module 3 – Co-creation & Integrated design of NBS
- Understand integrated and landscape design principles of NBS.
- Understanding of different phases of the co creation phases including; NBS upscaling and suitability mapping.
Module 4 – Monitoring and Evaluation of NBS
- Gain understanding of monitoring methodological techniques and instruments (Examples from Water, Nature and People).
- Gain understanding of different evaluation approaches and techniques for implemented NBS.
Module 5 – Barriers, Enablers and Innovation within NBS
- Gain an understanding of the most common barriers and enables involved in NBS implementation.
- Learn how the commercial exploitation of NBS Innovations can support the upscaling of solutions.
Module 6 – Case Studies and Implementation
- Learn about 3 RECONECT NBS examples from different catchment areas; Netherlands (Riverine), Portofino (Mountainous) and Odense (Coastal).