RECONECT National Workshop:
“Elbe Estuary, Vier- and Marschlande”
The ministry of the environment, climate, energy and agriculture (BUKEA) of the FHH was in charge of organisation and conduction of the workshop. The project member of the Senate Chancellery (SK), Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the State Agency Roads, Bridges and Waters (LSBG) supported the organisation and the conduct of that workshop, especially by providing expert presentations on the different topics covered in the in the demonstrator area.

In February 2022 there was inland flooding in the Dove-Elbe, water burst its banks and flooded fields. Foto: Thomas Heyen.
The workshop, organised as invitation event, aimed at the information of the participants about the project, the activities of the project partners in the demonstrator area and the current project results. Moreover, an open unbiased discussion with the participants on:
- The topic of NBS implementation in the scope of flood protection and drought prevention,
- The identification of barriers and enablers with regard to enhance resilience against hydro-meteorological extreme events and
- The identification of development potentials of the cultural and natural landscape of the Vier- and Marschlande especially with respect to the people and nature was conducted serving as a kick-off for further workshops of this kind.
The basic concepts and characteristics of NBS using different global and local examples were introduced. By this, the participants were made familiar with the basic topic and a baseline was defined for the event. In the following sessions consisting of four expert presentations aiming at the introduction of the EU project RECONECT, the presentation of the activities of the project partners LSBG, TUHH and BUKEA and the related results were given. The second part of the evening was organised as an interactive discussion session on the basis of Metaplan methods, in which different questions raised by the project team to further develop the co-creation process in the demonstrator area.
The workshop represents a further step within the co-creation process on NBS in the Vier- and Marschlande as we approached and invited the local private public, pressure groups and citizen’s initiatives. The event was the first information event of BUKEA with public presence after the long lockdown period.
Date and place
Clubhouse Allermöhe “Kuller” of the voluntary fire brigade, Mittlerer Landweg 78, Hamburg. Germany.
July, 11th 2022.
Workshop presentations
Presentations content is in German language.
- Elbe Estuary RECONECT Workshop Presentations 10.03 MB
- Nature-Based Solutions – An Introduction. Christian Ebel (BUKEA)
- The EU-Project RECONECT and the FHH. Angelika Gruhn (BUKEA)
- RECONECT Activities in the FHH. LSBG: Dieter Ackermann / TUHH: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Fröhle / BUKEA: Angelika Gruhn