RECONECT National Workshop:
“Nature Based Solutions, Experiences in the Netherlands”
On June 14th 2022, an online workshop was organized by RECONECT partner TAUW bv. Regarding the RECONECT project, the emphasis was on the IJssel river and its relevance for Dutch water infrastructure challenges. Among the audience were representatives from Dutch public authorities, students & university workers and TAUW employees.

IJssel river old situation.
As a start, the role of monitoring and date dissemination were emphasized by Marcel Krabbenborg from Interact. Marcel demonstrated the great value of having a central data platform which allows for fast insight and analysis of Nature Based Solutions projects all over Europe.
After this Christa and Tisja, both consultants at TAUW, involved the audience with their first insights into the monitoring results of the changes before and after the Room for the River projects.
Floris Boogaard from Deltares zoomed in on the many different Small scale Nature Based Solutions which can and have already been implemented in cities in the River IJssel catchment.
Sanne Hulleman from the Municipality of IJssel city Dventer emphasized the importance of applying a co-creation approach for the acceptance of nature based solutions. She demonstrated how the municipality succeeds in involving citizens with new NBS-projects.
The final part of the National Workshop consisted of an elaborate discussion regarding the importance of Nature Based Solutions for climate-challenges in the near future. Rick Kuggelijn, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Waterways, was a special guest for this discussion. Rick shared his insights on how we have to think beyond strictly flood-protection.
Date and place
Netherlands (Online).
June 14th 2022.

Workshop presentations
- RECONECT & Ruimte voor de Rivier 1.73 MB
Ramon van Bruggen. TAUW.
- Evaluatie van de Ruimte voor de Rivier 1.85 MB
Christa Fung-A-Loi and Tisja Daggers. TAUW.
- ClimateScan & wadi’s als kleinschalige NBS (in Deventer) 14.36 MB
Floris Boogaard (Deltares) and Sanne Hulleman (Municipality of Deventer).