RECONECT National Workshop:
“The European project RECONECT in Austria”
The workshop was organized by University Innsbruck as partner in Reconect responsible for Demonstrator B Inn / Geroldsbach in Austria. The purpose of this workshop was to inform the local community about the progress of RECONECT in Austria, to present first results regarding monitoring and modelling activities and to stimulate a discussion of local stakeholders regarding NBS performance.
The event was able to attract a wide audience including the local community, professionals, scientists and politicians (mayor and municipal council).
Date and place
Götzens, Austria.
16th September 2020.

Workshop programme and presentations
The presentations are available for download in german language.
The workshop was organized as a combination of presentations, discussions and a field visit.
- Welcoming remarks. Manfred Kleidorfer (Uni Innsbruck)
- The EU Project Reconect 4.74 MB
- The history of measures at Geroldsbach 1.36 MB
- Monitoring and Modelling at Geroldsbach 16.57 MB
- Climate Change in Alpine regions 9.17 MB
Q&A and Discussion.
- Field visit and demonstration of monitoring site.