RECONECT National Workshop:
“State of the art and perspective in the application of Nature-based Solutions for the mitigation of the hydro-meteorological risk in Italy”
The workshop was jointly organized by the Italian RECONECT cluster, composed by Portofino Park, CNR IRPI and GISIG, with the support of the University of Genoa. In RECONECT, the Portofino Regional Park represents the pilot site for Italy.
NBS interventions for slope stabilization are combined with environmental monitoring and stakeholder involvement activities, to demonstrate the effectiveness of a holistic and participatory approach in mitigating the hydro-meteorological risk.

Study area: the Promontory of Portofino.
The First RECONECT workshop was intended to be an opportunity to meet and exchange experiences and knowledge between nationally important actors, aimed at outlining a state of the art of NbS applications in Italy and discussing future perspectives for development and innovation.
The workshop was organized in Turin at the premises of CNR IRPI, the research institute involved in the Portofino Cluster, in order to exploit its networks of researchers and scientists and assure a high-level profile audience. This first workshop was, in fact, mainly targeted to the scientific community in order to assess the state of the art and the readiness level of science in demonstrating the effectiveness of these solutions in the risk mitigation planning processes.
The workshop was organized in an hybrid mode, both in presence and on line, because of the increase of COVID infections that was registered in June and also to gather participant and speakers from as much regions as possible.
As the other RECONECT National workshops, also this event ended with a round table discussion in order to fix the conclusions and to make proposal on the way forward at national level. Noteworthy was the participation by Prof. Silvana Di Sabatino, coordinator of the OPERANDUM project as a demonstration of a continuous collaboration and exchange of knowledge between RECONECT and its sister’s projects.
Date and place
Turin (Italy).
15th June 2022.

Workshop presentations
All presentations are in Italian language.
- The European Project RECONECT 9.96 MB
Guido Paliaga (CNR IRPI Turin).
- Artificial wetlands for wastewater treatment 3.80 MB
Michele Freppaz and Roberta Gorra (DISAFA – University of Turin).
- Shallow landslides and susceptibility map of the Portofino Promontory 9.33 MB
Anna Roccati (CNR IRPI Turin).
- NbS and the interlinked challenges of climate change and biodiversity decline 1.11 MB
Valentina Rastelli (ISPRA).
- The activities of the InTerraced project within the Interreg programme Italy Switzerland 1.58 MB
Niccolò Mapelli (InTerraced).
- NbS design and evaluation: a multiscale approach 3.39 MB
Andrea Tartaglia (Polytechnic of Milan).