RECONECT National Workshop:
“Second Swiss National Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions”
The Eawag team within the RECONECT project organized the “Second Swiss National Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions for meteo-hydrologic risk mitigation”. As a follow-up of the first workshop held online on 8.6.2022, the focus of this workshop was to foster exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge, present active projects and to discuss barriers in the design and realization of NBS together with possible solutions to overcome them.

Thur river at Niederneunforn. Before and after restoration.
The workshop was organized in a hybrid format both online and at Eawag Dübendorf, Switzerland. The workshop consisted of six presentations of about 20-30 min duration, each followed by five minutes Q&A sessions. The on-site program included a 45 minute, guided visit of a recently restored stretch of the River Glatt prior to the presentations.
Date and place
Dübendorf, Switzerland (Hybrid).
18th of April 2023.

Workshop programme and presentations
- Cost-effective adaptation strategies to rising river flood risk in Europe 2.11 MB
Dr. Francesco Dottori (CIMA Foundation)
- Flood policy and relations to other issues on national and cantonal levels 1.05 MB
Dr. Manuel Fischer (Eawag, Environmental Social Sciences)
- Overcoming barriers to the realization of urban BGIs, harmonizing purpose, tools and dialogue 8.06 MB
Dr. Peter Bach (Eawag, Urban Water Management)
- The intentional design of urban blue-green infrastructure for multiple objectives 3.47 MB
Dr. Lauren Cook (Eawag, Urban Water Management)
- Flood protection Rhine River International section Austria Switzerland 9.15 MB
Dr. Markus Schatzmann (Internationale Rheinregulierung)
- How to deal with rising groundwater temperatures? An approach to groundwater temperature management in the Thur aquifer 19.17 MB
Dr. Lina Tyroller (Kanton Thurgau, Amt für Umwelt)