RECONECT National Workshop:
“First Swiss National Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions”
The Eawag team of the RECONECT project organised the online workshop titled “First Swiss National Workshop on Nature-Based Solutions”. The aim of the workshop were four. First, we disseminated the results of the RECONECT project relative to the Thur catchment, which is the Swiss Demo Case. Second, we explained why it is of utmost importance that the three pillars of RECONECT (i.e., water, nature and people) blend together for public acceptance and successful realisation of Nature Based Solutions (NBS). Third, the invited speakers presented other Swiss case studies. Fourth, altogether we discussed current hindrances in the design and realisation of NBS but more importantly the possible solutions to overcome them.

Thur river at Niederneunforn. Before and after restoration.
The workshop was organised in an online format to allow Swiss stakeholders to participate from any location. The workshop was divided in 5 presentations of about 15-25 minutes each and we allocated 5 minutes for Q&A after each talk. In the end, we discussed the outline for the second national workshop happening in April 2023.
The audience of the workshop was mainly composed by scientists of Eawag willing to get insights on NBS for river restoration.
Date and place
Dübendorf, Switzerland (Online).
8th of June 2022.

Workshop programme and presentations
- EU-Project RECONECT 1.16 MB
River restoration in Switzerland: a long-term perspective Prof. Dr. habil. Mario Schirmer
- Investigating the impacts of Nature-based Solutions 4.63 MB
The restoration of the Thur River in Niederneunforn. Dr. Joao Paulo Leitao.
- Drinking water production and river restoration – synergies and conflicts 1.99 MB
- Blue Green Infrastructures. Lessons and experiences of planning nature in cities 4.58 MB