Welcome to the Public Deliverables section of our website, where you can access and download key documents produced during the course of our project.
These deliverables represent our research, findings, and progress on various tasks and work packages. By making them publicly available, we aim to share valuable insights, methodologies, and outcomes with the wider community to foster knowledge exchange and collaboration.
RECONECT Public Deliverables
WP 1: Framing science, policy and practice of NBS
- D1-2 social innovation approach
- D1-3 review of existing knowledge base practices and policies
- D1-4 Guidance document on integrating innovative technologies into existing landscape maintenance issues and long-term sustainability
- D1-6 Selection and and enhancement of CAS tools to support governance and policy formulation
- D1-7 Final report describing holistic ecosystem based framework
WP 2: Demonstration
- D2-1 stakeholder involvement in co-creation analysis
- D2-2 baseline assessment, demand and supply analysis
- D2-3 scope of works for Demonstrators A and B
- D2-4 technical specifications and procurement processes
- D2-5 preparatory actions for Demonstrators A and B
- D2-6 co-monitoring and co-evaluation plans for Demonstrators A and B
- D2-7 co-implementation activities undertaken in Demonstrators A
- D2-8 Guidelines for design construction and maintenance of large-scale NBS
WP 3: Evaluation and validation
- D3-1 Report on data availability and gap analysis
- D3-2 procurement and Installation of monitoring equipment in all Demonstrators
- D3-3 RECONECT Services Platform preliminary version
- D3-5 Evaluation protocols and manuals concerning different aspects of the co-evaluation work
- D3-7 Final report describing validation work in Demonstrators
- D3-8 RECONECT Services Platform final version
WP 4: Overcoming barriers, upscaling and synergies with Collaborators
- D4-1 Report describing stakeholder mapping and analysis in collaborator sites
- D4-2 Report describing baseline assessment and potential for NBS in Collaborators
- D4-3 Report describing upscaling strategy
- D4-4 Report describing Demand Analysis with a focus on Collaborators
- D4-5 Reports on local acceptance, institutional and political feasibility in Collaborators
- D4-6 Catalogue of regulatory, economic and social barriers for upscaling of NBS
- D4-7 Report on the possible strategies for mainstreaming of large-scale NBS
WP 5: Consolidation of evidence base, exploitation, and standardisation
- D5-1 Catalogue defining regions with comparable demands and characteristic features of NBS
- D5-2 Governance, business models and investment strategy for up-scaling large-scale nature-based solutions
- D5-3 Business plan for RECONECT spinoffs
- D5-4 Draft standards for design implementation management and decommissioning of NBS
- D5-5 Report describing the potential for implementation of large-scale NBS in Europe
- D5-8 Final report describing lessons learnt from all Demonstrators and Collaborators
- D5-9 Update Business models and sustainability plans
WP 6: Communication and Dissemination
- D6-1 Dissemination and communication plan for outreach
- D6-2 RECONECT web site and social media channels
- D6-7 On-line Proceedings of National workshops v1
- D6-9 Updated exploitation, dissemination and communication plan for outreach – v2
- D6-10 Updated exploitation, dissemination and communication plan for outreach – v3
- D6-11 Final exploitation, dissemination and communication plan for outreach
- D6-12 RECONECT Training Framework and materials – final
- D6-13 On-line Proceedings of National workshops v2
- D6-14 On-line Proceedings of National workshops v3