RECONECT survey on innovative strategies for co-creation, upscaling and amplification of nature-based solutions (NBS)
We kindly invite you to participate in our RECONECT survey aiming:
- To better understand the potential barriers and enablers for NBS design & implementation and tools to overcome them.
- To get a comprehensive picture on current knowledge needs for co-creation, upscaling and amplifications of NBS.
- Based on your valuable expertise and needs, to create a framework to support co-creation and collaboration around using NBS for reducing hydro-meteorological risks.
Filling out the questionnaire will take 15 minutes – that requires little time but provides a great benefit to a broad community of NBS experts!

Everyone with an interest in NBS or with knowledge about the realization of NBS is highly invited to participate.
- practitioners
- policy-makers
- scientists
- NGO-members
- other actors involved in NBS processes
- those who want to learn more about how to plan or design NBS